Online marketing for IT

Take your marketing to the next level with Marketing as a Service

We are your virtual online marketing team that will make sure that your marketing becomes more professional, while always running at full speed.

Subscription based online marketing services for a fixed monthly fee

IT, Tech en SaaS focus. We know your business, target group and challenges

Flexibly employable online marketing experts. All skills, all languages and IT knowledge

Reference Case

Strenghtening your strategy through Marketing as a Service

Reference Case

Strenghtening your strategy through Marketing as a Service

Wondering which plan
fits your needs?

We help IT, Tech and SaaS companies adopt the right marketing focus


IT businesses making use of our online marketing skills

Our online marketing specialists

Meet: Martijn

Email Marketing Specialist

Meet: Igor

Website Optimization Specialist

Meet: Koen

Content Coordinator & Creator

Always on the lookout
for talent

Key Benefits

Everyone in your organization will enjoy several benefits by getting started with Online Marketing as a Service. See which benefits are in store for you.


  • Engage on a strategic and tactical level with an experienced sparring partner.
  • Direct access to a versatile team of online marketing specialists.
  • During your time off, your Leadgate online marketing team will always carry on working.
  • Accelerate the professionalization of your marketing department and operations.

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Stay up to date with the latest online marketing developments

Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1898–1993) was a minister and author (most notably of The Power of Positive Thinking) and a progenitor of the theory of “positive thinking”.

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Marketing strategy helps you with:

Reid Hoffman

Reid Garrett Hoffman is an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcaster, and author. Hoffman was the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social network used primarily for professional networking.

Eddy Huang

Edwyn Charles Huang (born March 1, 1982) is an American film director, author, chef, restaurateur, food personality, producer, and attorney. He was a co-owner of BaoHaus, a gua bao restaurant in the East Village of Lower Manhattan.

Mother Theresa

Moeder Teresa, geboren als Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Skopje, 26 augustus 1910 – Calcutta, 5 september 1997), was een katholieke zuster, stichteres van de Missionarissen van Naastenliefde en Nobelprijswinnares voor de vrede. … In 2003 werd ze zalig verklaard en op 4 september 2016 volgde de heiligverklaring.

Warren Buffett

Warren Edward Buffett (Omaha (Nebraska), 30 augustus 1930) is een Amerikaans zakenman en investeerder. Hij is directeur en met een belang van 38% grootaandeelhouder van Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett staat al enkele decennia op de lijst van rijkste mensen ter wereld met in 2021 een geschat vermogen van 109 miljard dollar.