We teamwork

"No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team."

- Reid Hoffman

A team where online marketing and IT come together

Amber Loos

Online Advertising Specialist

Amber helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Fleur van Putten

Head of Strategy & Content

Fleur helps you with your online strategy, the positioning with your target audience and the strengthening of your brand.

Hugo van Diepen


Hugo helps Leadgate grow by working out the buy & build strategy from its parent organization Funnel Group.

Igor Tschernizki

Website Optimization Specialist

Igor helps you improve, beautify and technically outfit your website with the goal of lead generation.

Joost Goudsmit

Online Advertising Specialist

Joost helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Jordi Lingen

Managing Director

Jordi helps you successfully put online marketing into action by leading, motivating and coaching our specialists.

Juliette Janssen

Team Leader Online Advertising

Juliette helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Koen Monhemius

Content Coordinator

Koen helps you write and design content like white papers, web pages, blogs and infographics.

Loes Kersten

Marketing Coordinator

Loes helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Lotte van der Klei

Online Advertising Specialist

Lotte helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Mariëlle van Baren

Online Advertising Specialist

Mariëlle helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Martijn Huijser

Email Marketing Specialist

Martijn helps you set up, implement, report and optimize online lead nurturing campaigns.

Niels den Engelsman

Online Advertising Specialist

Niels helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Renzo Coenen

Team Leader Online Advertising

Renzo helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Robin van Zeijl

Online Marketing Strategist

Robin helps you with your online strategy, the positioning with your target audience and the strengthening of your brand.

Sabine van Sasse van IJsselt

Online Marketing Strategist​

Sabine helps you with your online strategy, the positioning with your target audience and the strengthening of your brand.

Sarah Meeder

Website Optimization Specialist

Sarah helps you set up, implement, report and optimize online lead nurturing campaigns.​

Sergio Perez

Head of Operations

Sergio helps you set up, implement, report and optimize online lead nurturing campaigns.

Sjors Teeuwen


Sjors is helping us from the DACH region to drive Leadgate's ongoing growth across Europe.

Thom Oostenbrug

Online Marketing Strategist

Thom helps you with your online strategy, the positioning with your target audience and the strengthening of your brand.

Tim van der Putten

Head of Advertising & Operations

Tim helps you create, manage, maintain and optimize your online ads.

Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1898–1993) was a minister and author (most notably of The Power of Positive Thinking) and a progenitor of the theory of “positive thinking”.

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Marketing strategy helps you with:

Reid Hoffman

Reid Garrett Hoffman is an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcaster, and author. Hoffman was the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social network used primarily for professional networking.

Eddy Huang

Edwyn Charles Huang (born March 1, 1982) is an American film director, author, chef, restaurateur, food personality, producer, and attorney. He was a co-owner of BaoHaus, a gua bao restaurant in the East Village of Lower Manhattan.

Mother Theresa

Moeder Teresa, geboren als Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Skopje, 26 augustus 1910 – Calcutta, 5 september 1997), was een katholieke zuster, stichteres van de Missionarissen van Naastenliefde en Nobelprijswinnares voor de vrede. … In 2003 werd ze zalig verklaard en op 4 september 2016 volgde de heiligverklaring.

Warren Buffett

Warren Edward Buffett (Omaha (Nebraska), 30 augustus 1930) is een Amerikaans zakenman en investeerder. Hij is directeur en met een belang van 38% grootaandeelhouder van Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett staat al enkele decennia op de lijst van rijkste mensen ter wereld met in 2021 een geschat vermogen van 109 miljard dollar.