5 questions you should answer before scaling your IT business


scaling your business

When starting your IT business, the main focus is proving that it has worth for the market, that it could make money, and most importantly, that it provides useful services for a certain set of customers. When this first goal is achieved, it is time to look into scaling your business. The question here is, does your IT business really have the potential for scalability?

5 questions to ask yourself before scaling your IT business

One of the most helpful ways to determine if your IT business is ready for the big step of scaling up is to ask yourself these 5 questions: 

1. Do we have the right team and organization in place?

You may go through a variety of iterations, involving people in different roles, firings, departures and restructuring. That’s what those first few years are for.

2. Are the right customers coming to us through the right channels?

Customer number 1 could be very different from customer number 10,000. You’ll never forget your first, but that doesn’t mean who you’re trying to woo won’t evolve.

3. Do we have sufficient and effective revenue growth?

Just like the question above, dollar one may be very different from dollar one million, but each one counts just as much. You have to keep growing and building.

4. Can we predict our revenue growth and profit?

Anyone can say “We are going to make a lot of money”. However, being accurate about how much money is what makes the difference in truly understanding year-over-year growth.

5. Are we able to control our costs, and can we see a path toward profitability?

If you have a grasp on your costs and budgets and what you need versus what you want, you can begin to understand how to best be profitable even in uncertain times. 

Why marketing is the key to scaling your business

Now that you have taken a look at these questions, you might have already noticed that marketing will have a great influence on positive answers for questions 2 to 5. As a matter of fact, online marketing allows you to make more accurate predictions for growth, profit, and costs. Additionally, it also gives you the ability to test target markets and channels for scalability.

How to make accurate predictions through marketing

Hopefully, you now understand why marketing is important for the scalability of your IT business. What you now need to master is how to make marketing predictive and measurable. Implementing online marketing is one of the best ways to achieve this, as it produces measurable data you can work with for further optimizations of your online campaigns.

What does Leadgate Europe offer you?

Leadgate Europe is specialized in the online marketing of IT-, Tech- and SaaS- businesses and we can help you scale your business by making your marketing measurably better. Would you like to know how to take your organization’s online marketing to the next level? Get in touch with us by sending an email to info@leadgate.eu or through the button below.

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