We marketing as a service

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

- Warren Buffett

Different plans for different needs

At Leadgate Europe, all online marketing services are available as a service. You pay a monthly fee for an amount of services of your choice. Each month we then use data to determine which online marketing services your business needs. As an extension of your marketing department, we then provide the right online marketing specialists for each service. Finally, we evaluate the results and see how we can make your marketing measurably more mature and professional.


Our entry level package where the focus is on 1 to 2 specialties at a time each term. 

+ focus on 1-2 specialties:

€2,950 p.m.

+ €2,500 start-up fee

Full Team

All specialties at the same time: your marketing as professional as possible as quickly as possible.

€6,750 p.m.

+ €4,500 start-up fee


All specialties and then some. Ideal for internationally operating organizations.


To complement your package, you can also choose stand-alone modules.

Stand-alone modules

Monthly subscription

Reference Case

Strenghtening your strategy through Marketing as a Service

Reference Case

Strenghtening your strategy through Marketing as a Service

Wondering which plan best fits your needs?

Frequently Asked Questions

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Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1898–1993) was a minister and author (most notably of The Power of Positive Thinking) and a progenitor of the theory of “positive thinking”.

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Marketing strategy helps you with:

Reid Hoffman

Reid Garrett Hoffman is an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcaster, and author. Hoffman was the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, a business-oriented social network used primarily for professional networking.

Eddy Huang

Edwyn Charles Huang (born March 1, 1982) is an American film director, author, chef, restaurateur, food personality, producer, and attorney. He was a co-owner of BaoHaus, a gua bao restaurant in the East Village of Lower Manhattan.

Mother Theresa

Moeder Teresa, geboren als Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Skopje, 26 augustus 1910 – Calcutta, 5 september 1997), was een katholieke zuster, stichteres van de Missionarissen van Naastenliefde en Nobelprijswinnares voor de vrede. … In 2003 werd ze zalig verklaard en op 4 september 2016 volgde de heiligverklaring.

Warren Buffett

Warren Edward Buffett (Omaha (Nebraska), 30 augustus 1930) is een Amerikaans zakenman en investeerder. Hij is directeur en met een belang van 38% grootaandeelhouder van Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett staat al enkele decennia op de lijst van rijkste mensen ter wereld met in 2021 een geschat vermogen van 109 miljard dollar.